Meeting in person

(updated 4/10/2023)

My Berkeley office is bright, warm, and comfortable.

I offer face-to-face therapy sessions for clients who want to meet in person. Depending on your preferences, we can meet masked or unmasked, though my building does ask that we are masked in the common areas. When we meet, I use the following guidelines and protocols to limit the potential transmission of COVID-19 and other illnesses.

My responsibilities
  • I am fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • I cancel in-person appointments if I have a fever, show symptoms of COVID-19, or am exposed to someone with COVID-19.
  • Seating areas are at least six feet apart. This allows us to maintain a safe distance.
  • I use a HEPA air purifier.
  • I inform you if I test positive for COVID-19 or if I discover you have potentially been exposed in my office.
Your responsibilities
  • You keep your in-person appointment only if you are symptom free.
  • If you have a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more, have other symptoms of the coronavirus, or have been exposed to someone who tested positive, you cancel your appointment or move to telehealth. If you cancel for this reason, I won’t charge you a cancellation fee.
  • Wear a mask when entering the building.
Contact me

IInterested in learning more or want to schedule an initial consultation? Use my secure contact form or email me directly. My online portal shows my current openings, most of which are before 3pm. You can also schedule an appointment via the portal.