Listening: the superpower within

You have the capacity to neutralize many disagreements and get the focused attention of others. This skill allows you to connect more deeply with your partner, your kids, and your coworkers. This underutilized, often unrecognized and underdeveloped superpower is called listening. It is available to us all. And if we join up with like-minded individualsContinue reading “Listening: the superpower within”

Talking with your son about sexual consent

Talking with your preteen or teenage son about sex can be awkward. Talking with him about sexual consent may feel even more so. The default parent go-to is often to provide the rules: No always means no (although in current thinking, the idea is that yes means yes, which focuses on getting positive consent). TheContinue reading “Talking with your son about sexual consent”

The tween years are hard (on moms!)

As a parent, you’ve made it through the sleepless nights of infancy, the foot-stomping whirlwind of preschool, and the (hopefully) relative calm of the elementary school years. Perhaps you were a bit nervous about the ages between ten and thirteen, that uneasy shift from childhood to the tumultuous reign of the adolescent. Maybe you wereContinue reading “The tween years are hard (on moms!)”