Beyond therapy tips and tricks

Many folks come to therapy to learn coping strategies, tips, and tricks, concrete techniques that will help them feel grounded and at peace. Anxiety traps you inside the house. Depression tells you it will never get better. You feel it down to your marrow: you’ve gotten what you deserve, and you don’t deserve to liveContinue reading “Beyond therapy tips and tricks”

Making sense of perfectionism

It was a typical session in my therapist’s office circa 2014. The topic? My deep sense of shame and the feeling that nothing I did was good enough. “It’s not that I’m a perfectionist. It’s just that everything I do and everything I say has to be perfect.” My therapist gave me a wry look.Continue reading “Making sense of perfectionism”

Listening: the superpower within

You have the capacity to neutralize many disagreements and get the focused attention of others. This skill allows you to connect more deeply with your partner, your kids, and your coworkers. This underutilized, often unrecognized and underdeveloped superpower is called listening. It is available to us all. And if we join up with like-minded individualsContinue reading “Listening: the superpower within”